Cart & Checkout Quantity Limit

Add Amount Subtotal Limit

    The Amount Subtotal Limit allows you to set a minimum and maximum subtotal for orders, excluding shipping and taxes.

  1. Min total order amount: Enter the minimum order subtotal customers must meet to proceed with their purchase.
  2. Min total order error message: Customize the error message that will be shown when the customer's order is below the set minimum. You can use $(min) to automatically display the minimum value in the message.
    Example: You can't process your order. Min cart value is $(min)
  3. Max total order amount: Define the maximum order subtotal a customer can reach.
  4. Max total order error message: Customize the error message shown when the order exceeds the maximum limit. Use $(max) to mention the maximum amount.
    Example: For bulk orders, please get in touch with our support team.
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Add Total Quantity Limit

    Define the minimum and maximum total cart quantity limit. This limit will be overridden if set from the products section.

  1. Minimum total cart quantity: Set the minimum number of items a customer must have in their cart.
  2. Min cart quantity error message: Customize the error message for when the cart does not meet the minimum quantity. Use $(min) to display the quantity.
    Example: You can't process your order. Min cart quantity is $(min).
  3. Maximum total cart quantity: Set the maximum number of items allowed in the cart.
  4. Max cart quantity error message: Customize the error message for when the cart exceeds the maximum number of items.
    Example: For bulk orders, please get in touch with our support team.
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Add Individual Product Limits

    Set the minimum and maximum quantity per product and ensure each product in the cart stays within this range.

  1. Min product quantity: Set the minimum quantity a customer must order for each product.
  2. Min product quantity error message: Customize the error message when the quantity for an individual product is below the set limit.
    Example: Not possible to order less than $(min) of each.
  3. Max product quantity: Set the maximum quantity for each product.
  4. Max product quantity error message: Customize the error message for when a customer adds more than the allowed quantity.
    Example: For bulk orders, please get in touch with our support team.
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