Cart & Checkout Quantity Limit

    Add Amount subtotal limit

    Set min and max cart subtotal (excluding shipping and taxes) and ensure the cart stays within this range. Read guide.
    Type "${min}" to mention above amount
    Type "${max}" to mention above amount

    Add Total quantity limit

    Define the minimum and maximum total cart quantity limit. Read guide

    Note: This limit will be overriten if set from products section. .
    Type "${min}" to mention above quantity
    Type "${max}" to mention above quantity

    Add Individual Product Limits

    Set min and max quantity per product and ensure each product in the cart stays within this range Read guide.

    Type ${min} to mention above quantity

    Type ${product} to mention Product

    Type ${variant} to mention Variant

    Type ${max} to mention above quantity

    Type ${product} to mention Product

    Type ${variant} to mention Variant

    Add total weight Limits

    Set min and max Weight Limit and ensure products total Weight in the cart stays within this range Read guide.
    Type "${weight}" to mention above weight
    Type "${weight}" to mention above weight